Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Parshah Tazria

Heard from Rabbi Isaac Bernstein Zt”l:

The Netsiv asks, the zohar seems to indicate, from the 4 names for man that "adam" is the most elevated. So why does the Torah discussing leprosy which is caused by such vile sins use the most elevated name?

Rabbi Nissan Alpert zt"l explains beautifully, what is this part about?

We have a HUGE error as Jews on what a perfect or good person is! We think that it means someone without flaws and mistakes. It actually is someone who has mistakes but wants to be better, wants to do good....we all have mistakes.

The person with leprocy says “oh G-d!”, there is an issue here, and it says

(Vayikra 13:2) "ve’hoovah el Aaron ha’Kohen …” = "he comes to Aaron the Priest"....he WANTS to be better. Such a person is a great person, they see their errors and are not content, and want advice from the kohanim and want to be better, even if they are doing horrible sins....and for such a person the Torah uses an elevated name "Adam" for them.

Such an amazing answer! Such a great question…. Just beautiful.

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