Sunday, February 04, 2007

Mazal Tov (Answer)

A while ago I asked, WHY do we say Mazal Tov to others. "Good Luck"? And more then that, a Mazal being something that we are ABOVE and doesnt determine us, and to say that someone has a good mazal?

A Mazal is from the root Nazal. Which means flow. In fact, a Mazal that dispenses to the goyim, is a flow. It is a flow of energies from G-d. Rambam explains that the Mazalim function as follows (from my memory): the "9th" one (the upper most) is spun by G-d, and the others are forced by it.... These mazalim determine non-Jewish future. We are above it, we can appeal to G-d and G-d does not affect us as such. But you see the flow (Mazal) of energy from G-d. The Nefesh Hachayim (so im told) states how one there are 49 worlds between us and the spiritual one, and each one is impressed on the other. And the energy flows down from heaven etc...

The above was primarily paraphrased from Rabbi Dr. Akiva Tatz (Living Inspired).

At any rate, when someone has a great celebration, you are telling them they have a "flow of good"! Of "Tov". What is more fitting?

Lets look deeper. When is the word "Tov" first used? It is used to describe the completion of a stage in Genesis! "and it was good". We are looking at a stage always of a new where something has become more ordered (ie: there is a new step or phase in life where the last was completed). It is not simply a flow of good, but it is a flow of completion as well, and from this the NEXT step will come!

After one tells you "Mazal Tov" don't simply think they are congratulating you. For sure they are, you completed a phase in your life, but don't be blind to what is right in front of you. That they are saying....what happened after G-d saw it was good? HE KEPT GOING AND CREATED ON THE NEXT DAY (except shabbos of course) and he finished another phase (which he started immediately after the last phase)! So too when you hear Mazal Tov that you should think of the next phase before you and not wait!!!

And what is more clear then shabbos?! When Hashem stops melachim (spiritual work) and we mimic him, when that phase begin we begin in IMMEDIATELY, there is no waiting!

So next time you say Mazal Tov, let us remember:

1). That we see the flow of good from Hashem (and he is the source) - even if it may look like regular course of actions.
2). That we recognize a completeness and a phase that has just "ended".
3). That they must run immediately to start the next phase (whenever they stop celebrating and reflecting over the last (hashem also reflected and said it was good) - "we should always reflect on what we do to check it for goodness and bad" (paraphrase - Metzilat Yesharim)).



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