Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Moshe's Insight

Chazal say that Moshe would see things through a clear lense, whereas every other prophet would see through a cloudy lense. The idea of course is that a clear lense transmits the message much better then a cloudy lense.

I want to interrupt the point to bring up a great Maharal. Moshe Rabbeinu is arguing with G-d, and at one point Hashem says that he will send Aaron to speak for him. The obvious issue is that a prophet must (there is Halacha) say his own prophecy, no other can say it for him. Now, Hashem responds that Moshe is the Malach, that Maharal says means that Moshe is on such a high level that he isnt receiving the prophecy, he IS the prophecy. What this means is quite deep, but I only wanted to share the idea of it.

Now, Rav Dressler on the first paragraph makes an amazing insight. What is the difference between a clear lense and a cloudy lense? When you look through a clear lense you see the picture, great. When you look through a cloudy lense you see some of your own reflection, which you think is part of the picture your looking at!

What a beautiful idea. Moshe in his grande humility did not see himself in the picture. He surely knew what he was. But he was honest with what he was, he didnt perceive more or less, but rather the truth of the situation.

These things primarily heard from Rabbi Dr. Akiva Tatz.

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At 11:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

omg, my bashert! ;-) G.A.


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