Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Tzedakah and Pesach

You know...I read a great idea today from Rav Feuer he explains the Chasam Sofer:

There is a special reason we start the pesach seder by inviting the poor. The Talmud (Pesachim 50a) says in the messianic era "En kan oni" - "there are no poor there". On the festival of redemption our yearning for the messianic era intensifies (which helps hasten its arrival). Therefore the sages warn us: "QUICK! Seize this oppurtunity to invite the poor to your table tonight, because the moment the Messiah arrives you will be unable to give tzedakah again!"

So whoever is hungry come and eat, whoever is in need come and take. Do you know why its urgent now? Because Right now, we are here in exile, but next year we hope to be in the land of Israel [with the moshiach]! Right now we are slaves to poverty and need, but next year we hope to be free men and forever release from poverty!

So when you think about the hastening of the messiah know that when he comes Hashem will no longer force people to be poor so that you can have an extra mitzvah of giving! (The poor earn and own the money, you are simply the dispenser of their money because G-d wants you to do mitzvot).


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