Monday, April 16, 2007

Sefirat HaOmer

I have heard and compiled hte following ideas from Rabbi Akiva Tatz shiurim (link to some classes on the right panel) - any mistakes are my own:

The Arizal(I think) says that the Hebrews were on the 49th level of impurity. And that they couldnt stay ONE MORE MOMENT in the state of leaving. They left on eagles wings they had to go so quickly.

The Maharal disagrees entirely! He says, every ten in the Torah are related to eachother. The ten sayings of creation (Gemara lists ten), the ten trials of Avraham, and the ten plagues. The ten acts of creation build the world, but Egypt did put impurity there! Hashem in every makah removes a layer of creation so that he can re-build it in purity!!! How is this? The Maharal explains that Choshech (2nd last) reverses the 2nd creation. the Last of killing "firstness" (first born) is a reversal of "firstness" of "Bereshit" (the creation of starting). The Maharal explains that Hashem is undoing this in almost reverse order like an onion because the levels are almost built on eachother. I would say, that is precisely why G-d did the tenth plague! No other emmissary even EXISTED to do it...Hashem's oneness was left in the spiritual realm etc...

Btw, you want to see beauty? The tenth plague destroying impure firstness, and the 1st saying creating perfect firstness.... What is the tenth of Abraham's tests?!? To sacrafice his first born (firstness)!?!? That is a Torah idea at an amazing level!!!

And what about the Ten Commandments!? The Gemara says that Bereshit Bara is the physical un-ravelling of the Torah. Spiritually the first word that un-ravels the Torah is "Anochi Hashem". The Ten parallel EXPLICITLY!!! I think This is an amazing idea of Torah.

At any rate...the Maharal states that they were on the POSITIVE 49th level. Staying would bring the Moshiach immediately (The 50th level being the point of no return)! So why does G-d do this!?

He shows you what you CAN do, then takes it away so that you will earn it. How can you shoot for something if you dont know the target or whats possible? It is like a Father who stands his child up. The child knows what it means to stand and walk, but the father removes his hand! The child feels abandoned, but realizes (when he learns to walk) that it was for his good, and NECESSARY!

The Pesach astrological sign is that of a sheep that is lead everywhere. Next is the Bull, who does EVERYTHING in its own strength. And what is the Shavuos? is "gemini" twins...perfect harmony!

First your shown the gift. Then you work entirely on it for yourself, but of course you dont achieve what you were shown (its beyond you almost), but together the reward and effort unify you to that level.

This is EVERYWHERE...why does it say in the Gemara that a child in the womb learns Torah? This is a deep idea, but superficially, this is the light (on his own head) that lets him see the universe he can learn so he has a "taste" of what is to be. He has that first sight, then he must work for it!

This concept is at the root of EVERY EVENT! does this apply to today's sefira? Pesach you are promised that any attribute you want to perfect or work on, you can attain. But you MUST put in the effort during shavuos! Its like "fly now pay later". Btw, aim for something possible, shooting too high and falling back because you cant work that hard could be worse then not getting the taste for it in the first place.

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