Sunday, February 26, 2006

Free Choice Paradox? (my journey through it)

Okay, while Im on the level that im going to ruin soon, i will post my thoughts on this subject.

My problem with G-d knowing the future:
If G-d knows the future on your actions then it must not be based on an actual choice in the present, so its almost deterministic(pre-determined) in that...your choice is based on outside influence like chemicals, physics, genetics, and or society. I say this becuz I THINK the future cannot be determined even if your outside of it because it does not exist yet....

(Example of determinism: since your body or genetics finds ice cream repulsive, you will always choose pizza since it makes you happier (just one example)).

Another problem IF he DOES know the future -somehow- is that you cant make G-d wrong THUS you MUST choose what he knows you CANT choose the other that really free?

(Example: G-d knows you will choose you cant choose the ice that free? If you want to say that G-d knows what you would choose, then why live your life??? I mean, G-d knows what you warrant and what level your soul is why live? G-d could speed it up, couldnt she?)

IF you made your choice in the present the EXACT future wouldnt exist yet (imo), but rather ALL possible futures would untill you made the choice...but if G-d knows THE future this doesnt work...if G-d only knows the POSSIBILITIEs this is a limitation on G-d.

(Example of this is: you can have pizza or ice cream, you could say G-d knows both futures (if you eat pizza or ice cream), but thats a limitation on G-d not knowing the EXACT future. You could say that the info doesnt exist so its not a limitation, but Im not sure if I like this arguement).

So wuts up?

After a few possible solutions my stand point right now is this:

All your actions like science says are decided by chemicals and by physics. I think this will one day prooven.

BUT your thoughts are ALL yours and are ALL up to YOU. can kill someone and think, hey another notch for my belt, or you can cry over it.

Depending on your thoughts ON EVERY action will determine what G-d allows or causes to happen to you. Sumtimes it seems like karma when things come back...but I think thats G-d either allowing it to or forcing it to.

So lets say that you do something horrible and your happy, G-d will either punish you in the next world, or if your sooo far gone, you may be forced to do something bad, and G-d will make sure you get caught. Rosh Hashana it says that we are determined how much money we will mak (well same idea here, G-d causes events for good and bad, just like he/she does for your wealth).

I truly see this idea supported in Judaism...the only problem are mitzvot...I think if your mind isnt in the right place G-d wont allow you to do a mitzvah and then have your thoughts bring you to another level, which is to a NEW mitzvah.... THIS is why I think that one mitzvah will lead you to another (Pirkei Avos).

It COULD be that we have MORE free choice then this, but I think/know this we ATLEAST DO have.

Those are my thoughts :D. The only easy way out of this problem is saying G-d limited himself, but a few Rabbis have said Tanach wouldnt agree with that, and I understand.


Prophecy and Free Choice:
Prophets see the future which G-d gives them, but the people can clearly I could have been wrong earlier in that, MABYE it is right to say that G-d knows ALL possibilities and that isnt a limitation.

If G-d sent the prophet so he could influence the pp to be good, and G-d knew the exact future, then, he would know sumtimes the pp dont listen....THUS, that prophet is wasting their time. Unless you want to say that the prophet prophesizing wasnt for the pp but for the readers of the Tanach, but I see that as a PURE cop-out.

EDIT on "Prophets":
Okay so, due to sum1's comments below (Pelta's) I have rethought my position. Although Im not sure I agree with Pelta, he could still be right. I do know that I disagree with myself. Prophets knowing the future means nothing. BECAUSE, G-d may see the exact future and be manipulating it by sending the prophet...and he cant force pp to change, but perhaps gives them another chance. Its a lil hard to envision as G-d is manipulating time based events whilst being outside time...while watching their occurences outside of time lol.

I guess its like a painter who wants things to go one way and knows where he wants them to go, but watches the paint brush not stroke the paper properly. The artist puts the paint on, but cant control the brissles too can G-d place the prophet and watch as even though he adds the paint, the brush will not respond.

SOOO...whether Pelta is right or not...I am wrong (or major possibility to be wrong neways).

Final EDIT :) :

I think IVE GOT IT :D. Well...actually I think Schroeder GOT IT FOR ME!

Hmmm...he talks about a star that super nova'd in 1987...the star is 170 000 light years away. So, 170, 000 yrs ago a star exploded, and before the light got to us, man came about with neshama...Bonxe Age--> Torah was given -->beit Hamikdash was built and torn down. For 170,000 yrs that light has travelled, but LIGHT itself had no time pass for it. What do I mean? Well due to relativity if you could move at the speed of light ZERO ticks of a clock would transpire (Prooven). SO, that means from the star's explosion to its arrival it had NO time pass.

How is this relevant? It makes logical sense of a theological idea and brings it into physics allowing for agreement.

See...the Star...was "so fast" that all events in question converged into one instant. It is almost like the light is outside the bounds of time. This is EXACTLY like G-d. G-d exists outside the bounds of time like the Light, and everything is converged into one single instant.

Now pp already said, well G-d sees the future AND we have free choice. I agree'd with pp ideologically, BUT logically it made no sense to me. NOW, it makes perfect sense...G-d isnt REALLY seeing the future, he is seeing your actions AS your doing them.

It is like someone standing on a TALL tower telling someone on the street who is coming over the hill. G-d is just able to see things differenlty then us. Just like the person on the street has NO idea who it is...G-d can see who it is...he can tell us...the man on the street will only see when the person finally comes into view.

Something that was so simply said was so complex to me. I thank you for everyone who has participated in this search...for me it has in a way ended. Any thoughts or arguements are great though, so have at it!
